Women tank top – Punk As Fuck


Brilliant PUNK AS FUCK pre fest was a part of OEF 2019 and we had great times!!! Mohawks rule!!! Punk as fuck by Martin & Pen n Ink Designs.

Product Description

“You are surely asking why punk of all things? Well, it’s quite simple as without punk there would be no grindcore, thrash, death, hardcore and maybe there would not be lots of other things too!!! I’m very grateful I have met punk on my way. I have a lot of friends among the punks and I also feel like a punk myself (partially at least).
Punk is just great as it has destroyed almost everything that was before. It was a total shock and it still can be unbridled, rough and it calls for personal freedom absolutely unambiguously and uncompromisingly which is simply just one of the most important messages: Be yourself and do what you want to, not what those around you want!“

Artwork : Martin & Pen n Ink Designs



Women tank top




Black, White

Front theme

Punk As Fuck – Colour, Punk As Fuck – Grey/red




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